Shadow Work

A Self Guided Course

~ Coming Soon ~

This course is for those who wish to overcome the shame and blame cycle in their life.

I am building this course for you! Would you help me out by answering a few short questions?


More details about what’s coming below!



This will be a Self Guided course that you can study and process in your own time. I’m including all my favorite shadow work tools, which I’ve been teaching and practicing for years.


One lesson in your inbox every week for 9 weeks. Save and access for life!

Weekly homework assignments and journaling prompts to deepen your learning.

Additional Resources (priceless):

Full toolbox of my favorite guided meditations to use in times of stress.

Save and access all resources for life!

Submit your question directly for a chance to be answered by me in my monthly newsletter.


Time Commitment: 1-2 hours per week