Triggered? Journaling prompts

Option A

1 -- Brain dump the situation, who was involved, how it made you feel, all the details.

2 --  What emotion is this situation, event or person triggering inside me?

3 --  Why is this emotion being triggered? What do I feel I am lacking within myself in this situation? (i.e., respect, to be seen fully, acceptance, communication, equality, love, affection, safety, to be heard, security, appreciation, etc.)

4 --  What is this emotion telling me that I need? (i.e., respect, to be seen fully, acceptance, communication, equality, love, affection, safety, to be heard, security, appreciation, etc.)

5 --  Where in my life have I most needed this and from whom? (i.e., in childhood, adolescence or early twenties?) 

6 --  Can I trace this need back to a specific memory where it was very apparent and painful?

7 --  Why do I still shrink, settle and stay small in this area of my life? How can I give myself what I need?

Option B

1 -- Brain dump the situation, who was involved, how it made you feel, all the details.

2 -- What is the childhood loop or limiting belief that is being projected today? This is the root of the trigger. (i.e., I am not worthy, I am not good enough, I am a failure, I am not liked, I don’t deserve love, I don’t have what it takes to succeed, I am not secure, I need others to like me to be worthy, etc.)

 3 -  Compare this childhood loop or limiting belief with your actual reality. What are some instances of this loop being untrue? Do you have any assumptions, judgments, absolutes or interpretations about your current reality? Are there any alternative interpretations of your situation?

4 -  What are the threats or fears? Write out and face the worst-case scenario and how you could cope. 

5 -  What is the opposite of the limiting belief imprinted in childhood. When have you embodied this “opposite way” before?