The Cycle of Growth

Curiosity Stage

In which I…

I gather information about my current life and past programming. 

This (action) looks like:

~Recognizing triggers and discovering old patterns. 

*Curiosity and processing take place via conversation, coaching, therapy, trance, meditation, journaling, embodiment practice, etc. 

This stage helps me to:

Invite exploration and creativity into a previously heavy, limiting experience. 

Reflection Stage

In which I…

I reflect: How are the things I’ve learned affecting me on a bigger scale?  

~How are my internal + external worlds perpetuating the reoccurrence of my past “truths”?

~What can I do to move forward with more alignment?

This (action) looks like:

~Shadow work.  Emotionally + spiritually owning my role in my current experiences by releasing shame and moving toward unconditional self-acceptance for all of who I am.  I accept my power to create the reality I live in (for my past, my present, and my future). 

~I make plans for specific actions I will take in order to evolve and expand positively.

*Reflection takes place by tuning into the physical body and making connections in trance, during meditation, journaling, and embodiment practice. 

This stage helps me to:

~Attend to my needs without self judgment or hesitation. 

~Stop self-punishing thoughts and behaviors.

~Continually increase my perception of my innate worthiness.

~Clear the rubble and create energetic space for everything I desire to come through.

Embodiment Stage

In which I…

I take action directed by the above two stages that helps me to expand into the best, most authentic, truest self available to me at this time. 

This (action) looks like:

~Communicating from a place of non-egoic worthiness.    

~Setting boundaries with myself and others.

~Taking any (previously decided upon) necessary action.

*Embodiment takes place out in the physical world. 

This stage helps me to:

~Release the need to be right, to control the outcome, to control timelines.

~Release the fear of failure, release the fear of success. 

~Harvest the positive outcomes of my intentions + manifestations. 

~Find joy in and embrace the dichotomy of being.